I started a post talking about how to build warjacks and warbeasts, and paint them, and realised I'd created a massively boring post. So I deleted it and took another tack.
Instead of me just telling you about what's available and the theory behind building, I'm going to show you. So be prepared to watch in amazement as I build the Cryx DEATHJACK!
For those of you who may be facing this model in the long run, I'm going to put your mind to rest. The Deathjack is not as nasty as it sounds, its actually a very friendly warjack who likes hugs and kittens. Honest.
Right, over the course of the next few weeks (or months depends on how distracted I get) I'll be showing you the steps I'll be taking to build and paint the Deathjack. I'll also be including some conversion stuff as well for good measure.
The Deathjack was introduced in the Apotheosis expansion, along with other big stompy models such as the Harbinger of Menoth, Avatar of Menoth, Karchev the Terrible and the Thunderhead. It was the same book that introduced Epic Warcasters and each faction recieved its first character Warjack, of which the Deathjack was Cryxs.
So this is what I have to start with, straight of out the box:
As you can see, that's a lot of metal! It actually makes an excellent model to use as an example as it requires a lot of techniques to achieve a good result.
For those that are concerned that all warjacks are like this, you can relax. Privateer Press have been releasing plastic kits of the core warjacks, which are much easier to construct. In fact the plastic kits can be used to build 3 different warjacks, and benefit greatly from magnetising.
First step, get it all cleaned up. The mould lines on this one aren't too bad, so it won't take too long to get everything smooth. While cleaning the model, its a good opportunity to get a feel for how it will go together. Dry fit the parts to see where it needs extra filing, and where it'll need extra support. As you can tell from the picture, the waist line of this model is pretty slim, so the legs will need pinning to help support the top half. You can also see what parts you can put together before painting, and what will need to be left until after painting.
To finish off, I thought I'd show you what I have currently painted.
I have this very week picked up a Warmachine and Hordes rulebook. I also bought the Cryx battlebox. I am really, really impressed with the plastic/ resiny type stuff. I put the whole box together in about an hour with just glue! No pinning or green stuff required. Might have to get me some more...