Thursday 3 March 2011

A Dance with Dragons

Some of you reading this will be familiar with George R R Martin and his Song of Ice and Fire series.

Well, good news for you, he has finally announced a publication date for the next novel!!

Official Website Announcement

No, it isn't an early April Fools joke. We now have until July to remind ourselves what the hell happened in the previous books!


  1. Woah. Long time no speak! Didn't know you had a blog? (spotted the link on MSN of all places) But then again I'm pretty out of the loop with everyone at the moment :(

    But, anyway, haven't you heard about the HBO version? Alas, it's on Sky Atlantic , which as I'm only on freeview am not going to see. I was hoping to watch it as I still haven't managed to get though more than half of a Game of Thrones :)

    Anyways, maybe will try and catch up at some point.


  2. Good to hear from you :)

    I've not had it long, still working on getting regular and interesting updates done, in between working and WoW.

    I'm looking forward to the HBO series, will hopefully be doing a review of the series. As Sky Atlantic is only available to Sky customers I'm going to have to find alternate means to view it.

    It would be good to catch up, its been a while. We'll have to see if we can't arrange another get together with those of us still in Brum, and those that escaped :)

  3. I didn't manage to escape far (I'm in Coventry, allegedly working at Warwick Uni), so a meet up would be most excellent :)
