This is the most complete of the armies, with all but the Cankerworm and 3 of the Bane Thralls to do. Unfortunately the Cankerworm is missing its jaw, so I need to order a replacement.
The overall scheme is the same as for my Deneghra force as I intend for the miniatures to be interchangeable between casters. Using a dark metallic brown for the armour, and dark green for cloth areas to tie the army together.
Future purchases will include the Bane Thrall UA, Bane Lord Tartarus and some more warjacks.
This force is a long way off complete. I've not had much luck getting the warjacks to look how I want them to, although I've managed to pull off the scheme I'm after on the infantry much better.
I'm pretty much going with studio colours for them (and most of the armies, I'm attracted just as much to studio schemes as the models) with much of the armour being ivory coloured, sections of dark red and lots of gold!
Future upgrades will be in the form of an Avatar of Menoth and whatever takes my fancy! Considering working up her theme force, but I may get tempted by some of the other great miniatures.
This would qualify for the most painted force, if it wasn't for the fact I'm having no luck continuing to paint the Beast Handlers. That'll teach me to half paint something and then come back after I've improved. They'll need to be stripped and started again, and at the same time I'll paint up the Tormenter.
Scheme is again close to studio, lots of blood red, gold and black. There are other close ups of the warbeasts on the blog somewhere if you want a better look.
This is likely to go beast heavy, with a bit of infantry. I want to get a Bronzeback Titan, and have a Titan Cannoner to construct. I have a unit of Pretorians with UA, and a Tyrant Commander. I also fancy getting some of the heavy infantry units, as well as the cavalry, but I'll really have to see what works best.
The smallest force of them all, mainly because its made up of mostly medium based models!
The Carnivean will be being stripped back along with the Skorne Beast Handlers. Despite the spines coming up nicely, I managed to fail at the skin tones and then destroyed my good work when it was put into storage. Thankfully I've made good progress on the Warmongers, with two already done and the last being completed now.
I intend to see if I can't keep this force to the themed force going up. I already have a Seraph and a box of Warspears. Just means investing in a Spawning Vessel and a Warchief.
Although, I do also have Lylyth and a Sorceress that I can use, and I do love the Raptor miniatures, so I may branch out!
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