Wednesday 19 January 2011

An attempt at a start

So, what has made me decide to take the drastic action of starting a blog you may ask?

Well, at the start of the year, I decided I had too much gaming stuff. Now I had a couple of ways of dealing with it. The mature adult way would be to carefully look over all my stuff, and get rid of anything I'm not likely to use. However, I'm not that mature, and instead decided that I would justify my gaming purchases by writing reviews of them!

Add to that, a large number of uncompleted gaming projects, I thought, what the hell, I'll create a blog and post up all the crap I'm doing, in a hope people will read it and give me support/motivation to continue.

So this is my opening post. I hope anyone reading this will find it interesting, informative and something else starting with i.


  1. Awesome, Dave!

    I'll definitely be keeping an eye on here to see what goodies you've got!

    Any chance of reviews of novels as well?
    Though our reading club failed, I'd still like to read reviews and suggestions for books to read from someone who loves fantasy as much as I do!

    Good luck,

  2. Intriguing? Intellectual? Indescribable?

    Good start. :)
